Nichole Christian

This is Love

The journalist in me says explain all things. Always. The lover of words and pure creativity says be art. Be unbound. Enjoy!

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(poem in collaboration w/ painter Yuen Ling , April 2020)

hear now what 

the  Sakura    says
in     spring

here    now    only 
no    want    of  

no    wish    for

petals      patiently 

beginning     becoming

fading     falling 

here        now 

soon         gone


(image by nichole christian)

add up all the women

you grew to be

factor the probability

of at least a thousand

wild tomorrows

let no doubt

divide you


(image by nichole christian)

the wound you think you won

whispers still

a word w/ jimmy b

(photo by nichole christian of ink drawing w/ permission from Detroit artist Sabrina Nelson)

who am I

to disagree
w/ jimmy b

but i pray he’d hear me
when i say

the fire
was        never

              next        time

we arrived
flesh    on         fire

a people
of no return            


for                liberty



forever the flame


forked tongue

Be UNafraid to make UNdefined things.

Strong Box

This poem began as an experiment with a repurposed box, some paint and a collection of cut up words. It was later published here.

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bombs in air

(image by nichole christian)

i will never perform

these words

i have lived 


been stripped

limb to limb

by them

once i longed to know

who sent them

these words

that wink like tulips  then burst

like bombs

they  say      i    am    heir

some days

they    are      too


what the world called her end


a gain


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